“Meaningful Use” Defined
Meaningful use is the set of standards defined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Incentive Programs that governs the use of electronic health records and allows eligible providers and hospitals to earn incentive payments by meeting specific criteria. The goal of meaningful use is to promote the spread of electronic health records to improve health care in the United States. Below are the dates that each stage of “Meaningful Use” must be implemented, and what they entail.
Remember, “Meaningful Use” of your EMR is required to remain HIPAA compliant.
Stage 1 should have already been implemented, so check our timeline below to make sure that your practice is up to speed.
Stages of “Meaningful Use”
Stage 1: 2011-2012 Data capture and sharing:
-Electronically capture health information in standardized format.
-Communicating that information electronically.
-Initiating the reporting for clinical quality measures and public health information
-Using information to engage patients and their families in their care.
Stage 2: 2014 Advance clinical processes:
-More rigorous health information exchange
-Increased requirement for e-prescribing and incorporating lab results
-Electronically inputting patient care summaries across multiples settings
Stage 3: 2016 Improved outcomes:
-Improving quality, safety, and efficiency
-Decision support for national high-priority conditions
-Patient access to self-management tools
-Access to comprehensive patient data through patient-centered HIE
Have you met your HIPAA deadlines?
CATS Technology Solutions Group can help you with all of your EMR needs, and help make sure you remain compliant. Call us today 732-204-7100!