Cybersecurity is an important topic for businesses and consumers. Unfortunately, it is known to take a back seat to other issues that seem to be more crucial at a certain time. But by putting cybersecurity aside, you risk it becoming a much bigger problem in the long run.
Creating a successful cybersecurity plan can be an ongoing task but in order to get it done it’s important to fully understand what can happen if you don’t have a plan in place. It can be summed up with one sentence: Threats use exploits to attack vulnerabilities.
What are threats? A person or thing that can intentionally, or unintentionally, cause danger or damage. Once you understand where these threats originate, and who could be behind them, the risk of a breach could be reduced.
What are exploits? A method of taking advantage of a bug to cause unintended behavior to occur. Exploits are often used by threats to gain access to systems and software.
What are vulnerabilities? A bug or defect that finds a weakness and exposes it to a threat. It allows unauthorized actions to take place within a system to access confidential information.
Cybersecurity is able to focus on all 3 of these areas, which gives the most protection possible. Every business needs an assessment, because protecting company data is critical. Call CATS Technology Solutions Group and schedule a free assessment with one of our Cybersecurity experts who will make sure your systems are always safe and secure!