The Top Reason for Threats to Cybersecurity Occur Inside Your Company

Did you know that the number one reason for threats to IT infrastructure are due to the actions of employees? No matter how big the breach is, it is usually caused by an action made by someone within the company.

As much time and effort hackers put into spreading malware across your system, it doesn’t matter unless an end user gives it a chance. At the end of the day, we are the ones who are in control.

Although not always intentional, it is alarming that many of these attacks can be avoided if employees were more aware and educated on threats and how to avoid them.

Ways to make end users aware:
• Inform employees on the benefits and ease of using a password manager. It is a secure and convenient way to keep track of passwords.
• Train employees on what information is important to protect, and how to keep it protected.
• Make sure employees are aware of what threats are out there, such as phishing attempts, and how to identify them.
• Make staff feel invested in the company, so they know what is at stake and what could be at risk to lose.

How Can CATS Technology Solutions Group Help?
As you already know, the Technicians at CATS Technology are certified Cybersecurity experts and will secure and monitor your system 24/7 so you never have to worry about it being compromised.

About CATS Technology

CATS Technology is a complete technology solutions provider, dedicated to providing solutions that will streamline operations, enhance productivity and drive innovation for businesses of all sizes. Our professionally trained and certified IT experts empower our clients to leverage the full potential of their IT investments to stay ahead of today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. 

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