Be honest – how easy is it to blame IT for any technical issues you face?
Printer not working?  “What did those IT guys do?!”
Error message pops up?  “Why can’t they ever get this to run smoothly?!”

As IT Consultants, we get it.  It is as frustrating to us as it is to you. But why do we always have to be the bad guy?

Visibility of IT Issues: IT problems are often noticeable and can easily impact daily operations. When systems fail, the consequences are immediately visible, which leads people to associate issues directly with IT.

Technology Dependency: Many businesses heavily rely on Technology for their operations. Any disruptions or failures in IT systems can affect all different departments, which makes IT a critical component.

Lack of Understanding: Since Technology is so complex, many users may not fully understand it. This lack of understanding can lead to frustration and people blaming IT when things go wrong, even if the issue is not directly related to Technology.

High Expectations: There is a high expectation for IT to ensure seamless and uninterrupted services. When these expectations are not met, it can result in dissatisfaction and the tendency to place blame on IT.

We know, it’s easy to take your frustration out and blame IT for any issues that come up.  But Technology can be completely unpredictable, and usually it’s not until something goes wrong that it’s brought to our attention.

No matter how frustrated you are, always remember the consultants at CATS Technology are constantly working around the clock for you.  While we are the ones who need to take the blame, we are also the ones trying our best to avoid and solve any problems so you can work disruption free throughout the week!

About CATS Technology

CATS Technology is a complete technology solutions provider, dedicated to providing solutions that will streamline operations, enhance productivity and drive innovation for businesses of all sizes. Our professionally trained and certified IT experts empower our clients to leverage the full potential of their IT investments to stay ahead of today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. 

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