Managed IT Services Company New Jersey

Five benefits of using CATS Technology, a New Jersey, New York-based managed IT Provider Number one — enjoy more uptime. Software patching and proactive maintenance contributes to keeping IT systems faster and more stable.  A faster, more stable network means happier employees. Speaking of employees, number two — an entire workforce without the employee hassles. […]

What is Firewall Security?

A firewall is a program or device that acts as a barrier to keep destructive elements from entering a network or specific computer. A firewall can be a device, or software application that serves to prevent unauthorized access to a network. They work as filters for your network traffic by blocking incoming packets of information […]

Have You Met Your “Meaningful Use” Deadlines to be HIPAA Compliant?

“Meaningful Use” Defined Meaningful use is the set of standards defined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Incentive Programs that governs the use of electronic health records and allows eligible providers and hospitals to earn incentive payments by meeting specific criteria. The goal of meaningful use is to promote the spread of […]

The Latest EHR Rules and Guidelines

The government is working on changing the health industry into the digital age and has provided reimbursement incentives and an electronic medical records deadline for those who adopt electronic medical records (EMR). However, along with the benefits from the government there are also penalties for those who do not meet the electronic medical records deadline […]

Why Do Managed IT Services Work Better Than In-house Departments?

In the world of IT services, the role of an IT consultant demands a higher level of involvement than you would find in other industries. Where IT consulting relationships really stand apart from the rest is in the managed IT services that many IT consultants offer their clients. DEFINE MANAGED IT SERVICES That begs the […]

Preventing Downtime – Pay Now or Pay later – Your Choice

How IT Became The Great Equalizer The astonishing advancements in Information Technology over the past few decades have done wonders for business processes and efficiency.  In many ways, it has leveled the playing field, giving smaller organizations the capacity and resources to perform on the level of many of their bigger competitors, giving them tools […]