What Is Cybersquatting?

Let’s be real, how closely do you inspect a website’s domain upon entering a website? Is it enough to notice a single letter change? This is precisely what cybersquatters count on. They capitalize on slight misspellings or variations of popular domains in order to deceive users and profit off someone else’s brand.

The Wire Fraud Epidemic: It’s Time to Get Defensive  

As the saying goes, “We know a thing or two because we have seen a thing or two.” In the past year alone, there has been a surge in the number of businesses falling victim to wire fraud. Many of these incidents occur because their emails have been left susceptible to email hacking. We are here to say… many of those incidents could have been prevented. Investing in proactive cyber security for your email systems is no longer an option, it is essential in mitigating against the cyber criminals that can potentially prey on your business. 

Why IT Often Bears the Brunt of Cyber Security Breaches

After a Cyber Security breach, it’s common for the blame to automatically fall on IT.  Of course, there are many steps that need to be taken to help prevent Cyber Attacks, but nothing is ever guaranteed.  So why is everyone so quick to blame IT?   Visible Role in Technology Infrastructure: IT is responsible for […]

Top Instagram Scams

Let’s talk about Instagram; if you don’t have it, you’ve heard of it (but let’s face it, you probably have it.)  In fact, Instagram currently has over 2 billion active users.  Which means, due to its popularity, it is a common place for hackers to target.   Here are the top Instagram scams to look […]

The Crucial Role of Cyber Insurance: A Safety Net Beyond Cyber Security Tools

Today, businesses rely heavily on different Cyber Security tools to protect themselves from evolving Cyber threats.  However, no system is impervious to attacks, which makes Cyber insurance even more crucial. Regardless of how many Cyber Security tools a business has in place, there are many reasons why Cyber Insurance is still needed: Comprehensive Risk Mitigation: […]