Important Physical Cybersecurity Steps to Take
While there are many technology safeguards to take when it comes to Cybersecurity, there are also physical steps you can take to stay protected and keep your information safe. Physical security is just as important as technology security and keeping these steps in mind can be a game-changer. 5 Simple Physical Steps to Take […]
Inflation Expected to Continue to Affect IT Market
Due to everything going on in the world, inflation is rising. Of course, this will affect prices across all markets, including the IT market. Services such as Security Services, Email, Cloud Services, and Labor just in general have all seen an increase from 2020 to 2021 (see above chart), and it is predicted to continue […]
The Top Reason for Threats to Cybersecurity Occur Inside Your Company
Did you know that the number one reason for threats to IT infrastructure are due to the actions of employees? No matter how big the breach is, it is usually caused by an action made by someone within the company. As much time and effort hackers put into spreading malware across your system, it doesn’t […]
Cybersecurity is Needed for All Ages
It doesn’t matter your age, scammers target everyone. Although the younger generation (ages 20-29) is the most victimized age group, it is the older generation that suffers the most monetary loss. Since our older generation may not have as much familiarity with technology and cybersecurity concerns, they become a prime target for scammers. Here […]
Does Stress Contribute to Cyberattacks?
It’s a well-known fact that stress can have a negative impact on many things in life, but what about having a negative effect on cybersecurity? According to Threat Post, a recent survey found that employees who are stressed out and working remotely can contribute to poor cybersecurity practices within a company. The majority of […]