Why Cyber Insurance is Essential for Your Business

Cyberattacks are the fastest growing crimes in the world, and can be extremely destructive.  Experts predict that the amount of money spent on cybersecurity products and services will be well above $1 trillion, between the years 2017 and 2021 alone. 


As cyberattacks continue to rise and cost businesses more money year after year, cyber insurance is starting to become an essential asset.  Cyber Insurance allows your business to be protected by adding an extra layer of security and safety.  Since cyberattacks and data breaches are occurring at an increasingly high rate, why not protect yourself?  


Liberty Insurance Associates offers flexible cyber coverage for small to mid-sized businesses.  There are 4 optional coverages offered: 

  1. Data Compromise Response Expense 
  2. Data Compromise Defense and Liability 
  3. Attack and Extortion 
  4. Network Security Liability 


As always, CATS Technology Solutions Group is here to assist you with whatever you need, including any cyber security concerns.  We have multiple cyber security experts who can keep your systems safe and secure, as well as guide you in the right direction when it comes to cyber insurance.   


Trust us, this is a must have and can save you a lot of money, time and issues that can cause a lot of destruction to your business and reputation.  If you wouldn’t live without home owners insurance, or drive without car insurance, then why risk running a business without cyber insurance?  


For more information on what Liberty Insurance Associates offers, and to get in touch with an agent, call 732-792-7000 or visit their websitehttps://libertyinsurance.com/ 

About CATS Technology

CATS Technology is a complete technology solutions provider, dedicated to providing solutions that will streamline operations, enhance productivity and drive innovation for businesses of all sizes. Our professionally trained and certified IT experts empower our clients to leverage the full potential of their IT investments to stay ahead of today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. 

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