Why is IT Easiest to Blame?


Be honest – how easy is it to blame IT for any technical issues you face? Printer not working?  “What did those IT guys do?!” Error message pops up?  “Why can’t they ever get this to run smoothly?!” As IT Consultants, we get it.  It is as frustrating to us as it is to you. But why […]

Top Instagram Scams

Let’s talk about Instagram; if you don’t have it, you’ve heard of it (but let’s face it, you probably have it.)  In fact, Instagram currently has over 2 billion active users.  Which means, due to its popularity, it is a common place for hackers to target.   Here are the top Instagram scams to look […]

The Crucial Role of Cyber Insurance: A Safety Net Beyond Cyber Security Tools

The Crucial Role of Cyber Insurance A Safety Net Beyond Cyber Security Tools 1

Today, businesses rely heavily on different Cyber Security tools to protect themselves from evolving Cyber threats.  However, no system is impervious to attacks, which makes Cyber insurance even more crucial. Regardless of how many Cyber Security tools a business has in place, there are many reasons why Cyber Insurance is still needed: Comprehensive Risk Mitigation: […]

A Technology-Fueled Holiday Vacation

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The holiday season is a time for family, joy and, of course, travel!  Taking a trip no longer means just packing a bag, but instead embarking on a world of convenience and innovation.   Let’s take a ride and explore the impact Technology has on holiday travel!   Smart Packing By Using Apps – Packing […]

Seasonal Scams: Winter Edition


Did you know different scams happen depending on the season?  Scammers often take advantage of the seasonal changes and target individuals based on that.  With the winter months right around the corner, let’s look at popular scams to be aware of:   Holiday & Gift Scams – Afterall, it is the season of giving! Fake […]

Technology in the Sports Industry

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Technology has transformed the sports industry and enhanced the experience for athletes, fans and stakeholders.   Here are ways Technology continues to change the world of sports:   Viewer Experience Broadcasting: High-definition broadcasts, instant replays and advancements in camera technology give viewers a more detailed version of the game. Athlete Performance Wearable Technology: Athletes use […]