Tech Talk

Our Professional Insight into the world of Technology

cyber security

Seasonal Scams: Winter Edition

Did you know different scams happen depending on the season?  Scammers often take advantage of the seasonal changes and target individuals based on that.  With

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Technology in the Sports Industry

Technology has transformed the sports industry and enhanced the experience for athletes, fans and stakeholders.   Here are ways Technology continues to change the world

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Tech Through the Ages: Yesterday’s Dreams and Tomorrow’s Realities

Explore how old movies and classic books have envisioned the future, often with surprising accuracy. Discover fascinating predictions about technology, from mobile phones and earbuds to invisible computers, that have become part of our daily lives. Reflect on the evolving role of AI, VR, and AR, and ponder what other futuristic concepts might soon become reality. Dive into the intriguing blend of past visions and current advancements, highlighting the ever-accelerating pace of technological evolution.

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Is AI Reliable?

If you’ve read our last blog “What is AI?”, you should have a fair understanding of what AI is and the impact it has on

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What is AI?

AI – Many people know what it is, but not too many understand the impact it is having on businesses. So, let’s start from the

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